This blog has reported seventy-three accidents since August 20, 2007, all at the same location. (Obviously, since I cannot watch the spot 24/7, the number of actual accidents since then is higher than that.) I have also made a number of suggestions to alleviate the situation. Most radically, if money cannot be found to rebuild this dangerous access point to the BQE, I have suggested, and now suggest again, that the entrance here should be closed.
My FOIL request to the Police Department, seeking specific comparative information about the number of accidents here and the number of possible fatalities, has been ignored. It does not appear that I will be able to obtain such information without litigation. (My FOIL request can be accessed through the link given on this blog.)
But I have been encouraged in this work by a number of people -- in the media, in public office, and in the neighborhood. I would like to single out for particular appreciation
The Brooklyn Paper and its editor Gersh Kuntzman, and Community Board 6 (Brooklyn) and its District Manager Craig Hammerman. I hope that the media will maintain a watchful eye, and that public officials on all levels will maintain their interest.
I will no longer try to report on each and every accident I see. Instead, I will do what I can from time to time, hoping that others will pick up the slack.